SITCOM Milestone summary#


generated from P6 summary of milestones.


This document was generated based on the contents of the lsst-dm/milestones repository, version fa86132e, dated 2023-02-03. This corresponds to the status recorded in the project controls system for December 2022. Download the report.csv here.



Fig. 1 Current block schedule. Download the PDF of this Block Schedule here.#

The SITCOM Subsystem is currently tracking 196 milestones: 2 at Level 1, 2 at Level 2, 93 at Level 3, and 91 at Level 4. 8 have no level defined. Of these, 91 have been completed. Of the incomplete milestones, 54 are late relative to the baseline schedule, while the remainder are scheduled for the future.


Fig. 2 Milestone completion as a function of date.#


Fig. 3 SIT Milestone completion as a function of date.#


Fig. 4 COM Milestone completion as a function of date.#


Fig. 5 SUM Milestone completion as a function of date.#

Currently overdue milestones#

Overdue SIT milestones

  • SITCOM-124: Camera Arrives at Summit Facility [Due 2022-08-19]

  • SITCOM-100: M1M3 cell + Surrogate ready for installation on the TMA [Due 2020-06-01]

  • SITCOM-101: EAS version 5 installed (main telescope) [Due 2020-01-02]

  • SITCOM-102: TMA safe for transition to M1M3 glass mirror [Due 2022-10-05]

  • SITCOM-103: M2 fit check successful [Due 2022-08-09]

  • SITCOM-104: M2 Glass installed on Cell [Due 2022-08-23]

  • SITCOM-106: Initial integrated tests on TMA complete [Due 2022-10-05]

  • SITCOM-108: Level-3 is ready for the M1M3 surrogate to glass transition [Due 2022-12-09]

  • SITCOM-109: M1M3 Mirror Coating completed [Due 2022-12-30]

  • SITCOM-111: In-Dome Calibration Hardware Ready for On-Sky Operations [Due 2023-01-20]

  • SITCOM-117: EAS fully integrated [Due 2022-03-31]

  • SITCOM-92: Camera support asmy w/ComCam+PF+Int#1+CCW Installed on Telescope [Due 2022-09-14]

  • SITCOM-93: EAS Version 3 (construction tracking) ready to start [Due 2019-06-28]

  • SITCOM-94: Level 3 System Spread integrations activities done [Due 2022-07-20]

  • SITCOM-95: Level 7th ready to receive the Camera cart Assembly [Due 2022-03-07]

  • SITCOM-96: Computing Infrastructure in Place [Due 2022-05-31]

  • SITCOM-97: M1M3 cell+Surrogate Dynamic Testing on TMA done [Due 2022-07-12]

  • SITCOM-98: T&S Milestone: TMA Contract Complete [Due 2022-05-13]

  • SITCOM-99: M1M3 cell + surrogate installed and verified on the TMA [Due 2022-06-24]

  • SITCOM-105: ComCam + PF re-Installed on TMA [Due 2022-09-28]

  • SITCOM-118: AuxTel ready for on-sky characterisation [Due 2020-03-25]

  • SITCOM-112: Commissioning Compute Cluster fully configured and ready for general SIT-Com use [Due 2022-05-31]

Overdue COM milestones

Overdue SUM milestones

  • SUMMIT-2975: LSSTCam Pre-Ship Acceptance [Due 2022-07-27]

  • SUMMIT-2976: LSSTCam Received @ Summit [Due 2022-08-19]

  • SUMMIT-2955-500: Ready for ComCam - Refrigeration Tubing [Due 2022-02-07]

  • SUMMIT-2990: COMP: Calibration Telescope Ready for Operations [Due 2021-02-04]

  • SUMMIT-3013: NEED: Pathfinder in ComCam on TMA [Due 2022-09-14]

  • SUMMIT-3023: COMP: TMA Refrigeration Tests Complete [Due 2023-01-05]

  • SUMMIT-3055: COMP: L1/L2 recevied at summit [Due 2022-08-19]

Milestones by due date#

Due in September 2024#

Due in August 2024#

  • No milestones due.

Due in July 2024#

  • No milestones due.

Due in June 2024#

Due in May 2024#

Due in April 2024#

Due in March 2024#

  • COMC-0020: On-Sky Testing Begins w/Science Camera

  • COMC-0010: Camera In-Situ Calibration Begins

Due in February 2024#

  • No milestones due.

Due in January 2024#

Due in December 2023#

  • No milestones due.

Due in November 2023#

Due in October 2023#

  • SUMMIT-3082: COMP: LSSTCam-Tel Integration Complete

  • SITCOM-126: Engineering tests with LSSTCam complete

Due in September 2023#

Due in August 2023#

  • SITCOM-XXX: Camera Ready for Engineering Punchlist Resolution

  • SITCOM-122: LSSTCam Ready for On Sky

Due in July 2023#

Due in June 2023#

Due in May 2023#

Due in April 2023#

  • SITCOM-107: DELETE Engineering First Light w/ComCam

Due in March 2023#

Due in February 2023#

Due in January 2023#

Due in December 2022#

  • SITCOM-109: M1M3 Mirror Coating completed

  • SITCOM-108: Level-3 is ready for the M1M3 surrogate to glass transition

Due in November 2022#

Due in October 2022#

  • SITCOM-106: Initial integrated tests on TMA complete

  • SITCOM-102: TMA safe for transition to M1M3 glass mirror

Due in September 2022#

  • SITCOM-92: Camera support asmy w/ComCam+PF+Int#1+CCW Installed on Telescope

  • SUMMIT-3013: NEED: Pathfinder in ComCam on TMA

  • SITCOM-105: ComCam + PF re-Installed on TMA

Due in August 2022#

Due in July 2022#

Due in June 2022#

  • SITCOM-99: M1M3 cell + surrogate installed and verified on the TMA

Due in May 2022#

  • SITCOM-98: T&S Milestone: TMA Contract Complete

  • SITCOM-96: Computing Infrastructure in Place

  • SITCOM-112: Commissioning Compute Cluster fully configured and ready for general SIT-Com use

Due in April 2022#

  • No milestones due.

Due in March 2022#

Due in February 2022#

Due in January 2022#

  • No milestones due.

Due in December 2021#

  • SITCOM-90: ComCam + PF ready for on cart installation

Due in November 2021#

  • No milestones due.

Due in October 2021#

Due in September 2021#

Due in August 2021#

  • SITCOM-91: Camera cart is fully assembled and tested

Due in July 2021#

  • No milestones due.

Due in June 2021#

  • No milestones due.

Due in May 2021#

  • No milestones due.

Due in April 2021#

  • No milestones due.

Due in March 2021#

  • COMC-2864: ComCam Ready for Onsite Systems Test

Due in February 2021#

  • COMC-2264: Calibration Telescope Ready for Operations

  • SUMMIT-2990: COMP: Calibration Telescope Ready for Operations

Due in January 2021#

  • No milestones due.

Due in December 2020#

Due in November 2020#

  • No milestones due.

Due in October 2020#

  • No milestones due.

Due in September 2020#

  • No milestones due.

Due in August 2020#

Due in July 2020#

Due in June 2020#

  • SITCOM-100: M1M3 cell + Surrogate ready for installation on the TMA

  • SITCOM-89: ComCam + PathFinder installed on the cart Assembly at Level 3

Due in May 2020#

Due in April 2020#

Due in March 2020#

Due in February 2020#

  • COMC-1164: Commissioning Data Processing Cluster Ready for ComCam Use

Due in January 2020#

Due in December 2019#

  • No milestones due.

Due in November 2019#

Due in October 2019#

Due in September 2019#

Due in August 2019#

Due in July 2019#

Due in June 2019#

Due in May 2019#

Due in April 2019#

Due in March 2019#

Due in February 2019#

Due in January 2019#

Due in December 2018#

Due in November 2018#

Due in October 2018#

Due in September 2018#

Due in August 2018#

Due in July 2018#

Due in June 2018#

Due in May 2018#

Due in April 2018#

Due in March 2018#

Due in February 2018#

Due in January 2018#

Due in December 2017#

Due in November 2017#

Due in October 2017#

  • No milestones due.

Due in September 2017#

  • No milestones due.

Due in August 2017#

  • No milestones due.

Due in July 2017#

  • No milestones due.

Due in June 2017#

Due in May 2017#

  • No milestones due.

Due in April 2017#

Due in March 2017#

  • No milestones due.

Due in February 2017#

  • No milestones due.

Due in January 2017#

Due in December 2016#

  • No milestones due.

Due in November 2016#

Due in October 2016#

  • No milestones due.

Due in September 2016#

  • No milestones due.

Due in August 2016#

  • No milestones due.

Due in July 2016#

  • No milestones due.

Due in June 2016#

Due in May 2016#

  • No milestones due.

Due in April 2016#

  • No milestones due.

Due in March 2016#

  • No milestones due.

Due in February 2016#

  • No milestones due.

Due in January 2016#

  • No milestones due.

Due in December 2015#

  • No milestones due.

Due in November 2015#

  • No milestones due.

Due in October 2015#

  • No milestones due.

Due in September 2015#

  • COMC-2330: LSE-76 Infrastructure between Summit Fac. & DM - Phase 3, T&S Milestone

  • COMC-1110: LSE-132 Infrastructure between Summit Fac. & OCS - Phase 3, T&S Milestone

Due in August 2015#

  • No milestones due.

Due in July 2015#

  • No milestones due.

Due in June 2015#

  • COMC-2310: LSE-76 Infrastructure between Summit Fac. & DM - Phase 3, DM Milestone

Due in May 2015#

  • No milestones due.

Due in April 2015#

  • No milestones due.

Due in March 2015#

  • No milestones due.

Due in February 2015#

  • No milestones due.

Due in January 2015#

  • COMC-1205: LSE-140 Aux Instrum ICD between DM & T&S, Phase 3, DM Milestone

Milestones by WBS#

06C.00: SITCOM Management Level 2 Milestones#


Fig. 6 Relationships between milestones in WBS 06C.00 and their immediate predecessors and successors. Ellipses correspond to milestones within this WBS element; rectangles to those in other elements. Blue milestones have been completed; orange milestones are overdue.#

COMC-1205: LSE-140 Aux Instrum ICD between DM & T&S, Phase 3, DM Milestone#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2015-01-13

  • Completed: 2019-07-31


No description available

COMC-2310: LSE-76 Infrastructure between Summit Fac. & DM - Phase 3, DM Milestone#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2015-06-02

  • Completed: 2019-07-31


No description available

COMC-2330: LSE-76 Infrastructure between Summit Fac. & DM - Phase 3, T&S Milestone#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2015-09-02

  • Completed: 2017-09-30


No description available

COMC-1110: LSE-132 Infrastructure between Summit Fac. & OCS - Phase 3, T&S Milestone#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2015-09-02

  • Completed: 2019-04-15


No description available

COMC-0620-0100: Start Dome Testing at Vendor#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2016-06-06

  • Completed: 2016-06-06


No description available

COMC-0620-0400: Start TMA Test at Vendor#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2016-11-01

  • Completed: 2016-11-01


No description available

COMC-0620-0200: Start Rotator/Hexapod Testing at Vendor#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2017-06-28

  • Completed: 2017-06-28


No description available

COMC-0620-0700: Start Summit Facility Inspection#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2018-02-28

  • Completed: 2018-02-28


No description available

COMC-0620-0600: Start Coating System testing at Vendor#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2018-06-11

  • Completed: 2018-06-11


No description available

COMC-0620-0300: Start M2+Cell Integrated Optical Tests#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2018-10-01

  • Completed: 2018-10-01


No description available

COMC-0620-0500: Start M1M3+Cell Integration at SOML#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2018-11-15

  • Completed: 2018-11-15


No description available

COMC-0620-3400: Start L3 Assembly Test#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2019-03-11

  • Completed: 2019-03-11


No description available

COMC-0364: ComCam Dewar Assmebly Ready for Integration#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2019-04-09

  • Completed: 2019-06-01


No description available

COMC-0620-3000: Start Filter Mechanism Testing#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2019-04-12

  • Completed: 2019-04-12


No description available

COMC-0620-3700: Start Shutter Testing#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2019-04-19

  • Completed: 2019-04-19


No description available

COMC-2364: Coating Facility Ready for Operations#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2019-04-24

  • Completed: 2019-06-03


No description available

COMC-0620-4100: Start Integrated Cryostat Testing#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2019-05-01

  • Completed: 2019-05-01


No description available

COMC-0620-2000: Start Base Facility Inspection#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2019-05-03

  • Completed: 2019-05-03


No description available

COMC-0021: Mountain-Base Network Verified#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2019-05-10

  • Completed: 2019-05-10


No description available

COMC-0620-0900: Start Mirror Coating & Integration#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2019-06-03

  • Completed: 2019-06-03


No description available

COMC-0620-4400: Start L1L2 Testing & Verification#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2019-06-12

  • Completed: 2019-06-12


No description available

COMC-2464: ComCam Ready for Verification in Tucson#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2019-07-01

  • Completed: 2019-07-01


No description available

COMC-0564: ComCam Ready for System Tests#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2019-07-18

  • Completed: 2019-07-31


No description available

COMC-1164: Commissioning Data Processing Cluster Ready for ComCam Use#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2020-02-28

  • Completed: 2020-02-28


No description available

A5860: Start of Tucson Integration Tests w/ComCam#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2020-03-31

  • Completed: 2020-03-31


No description available

COMC-1564: DMS Base Center Complete#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2020-05-13

  • Completed: 2020-02-28


No description available

COMC-0964: Start ComCam Integration on Summit#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2020-05-20

  • Completed: 2021-03-31


No description available

COMC-0028: Base - Archive Network Verified#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2020-12-29

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-2264: Calibration Telescope Ready for Operations#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2021-02-04

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-2864: ComCam Ready for Onsite Systems Test#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2021-03-31

  • Completed: 2021-03-31


No description available

COMC-0005: Pre-Ship Camera Accepted#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2022-07-27

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-124: Camera Arrives at Summit Facility#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2022-08-19

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0864: Telescope Top End Interface Ready for ComCam Integration#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2023-01-03

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0100: DELETE Begin ComCam On-Sky Use#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2023-01-03

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0620-2150: Start Base Com. Cluster Test & Verification#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2023-01-03

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-1064: ComCam Ready at Summit#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2023-01-26

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0030: Start Early Integration and Test#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2023-02-14

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0620-0800: Start In-Situ TMA Testing#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2023-02-14

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-107: DELETE Engineering First Light w/ComCam#

  • Level: 1

  • Due: 2023-04-17

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0130: Camera Ready for System Integration#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2023-05-10

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-1464: Start Photometric Calibration Tests#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2023-06-02

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-1664: DMS Archive Center Complete at SLAC#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2023-09-07

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0240: Begin Full system Integration#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2024-01-17

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-2164: Commissioning Complete#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2024-01-18

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0010: Camera In-Situ Calibration Begins#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2024-03-01

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0020: On-Sky Testing Begins w/Science Camera#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2024-03-22

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0140: Start SV Data Collection#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2024-09-17

  • Completion pending


No description available

06C.02: Commissioning#


Fig. 7 Relationships between milestones in WBS 06C.02 and their immediate predecessors and successors. Ellipses correspond to milestones within this WBS element; rectangles to those in other elements. Blue milestones have been completed; orange milestones are overdue.#

COMC-06020200-0500: Commissioning PDR Complete#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2017-01-27

  • Completed: 2017-01-27


No description available

COMC-06020200-0700: Commissioning Baseline Accepted#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2017-04-14

  • Completed: 2017-12-01


No description available

COMC-06020201-1200: MIE: NEED: Shutter at SLAC#

  • Level: Undefined

  • Due: 2017-06-10

  • Completed: 2017-06-10


No description available

COMC-0620-0740: Summit Facility Inspection Complete#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2017-11-13

  • Completed: 2019-01-01


No description available

COMC-0620-0440: TMA Pre-Ship Acceptance#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2017-12-01

  • Completed: 2018-11-19


No description available

COMC-0620-3300: 1st Production Science Raft Acceptance#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2018-01-12

  • Completed: 2017-05-26


No description available

COMC-0620-0240: Rotator/Hexapopd Pre-Ship Acceptance#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2018-02-21

  • Completed: 2019-01-01


No description available

COMC-06020201-3100: COMP: C_TCR - 2018 Technical Commissioning Review#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2018-03-05

  • Completed: 2018-02-01


No description available

COMC-0620-2050: MTN-Base Network Full BW (2 x 100 Gbps)#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2018-03-27

  • Completed: 2018-04-02


No description available

COMC-060200-20000: Summit Network Available#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2018-04-12

  • Completed: 2018-10-01


No description available

COMC-060203-30008: COMP: C_CDR - Pathfinder#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2018-04-19

  • Completed: 2018-01-18


No description available

COMC-06020201-3180: COMP: C_CR - 2018 Commissioning Review#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2018-05-07

  • Completed: 2018-07-31


No description available

COMC-0620-0340: M2 Pre-Ship Acceptance#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2018-05-11

  • Completed: 2018-10-31


No description available

COMC-060200-20010: Summit Facility Computer Room Available#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2018-06-07

  • Completed: 2018-10-01


No description available

COMC-0464: ComCam Optics & Filters Ready for Integration in tucson#

  • Level: 1

  • Due: 2018-07-09

  • Completed: 2019-02-01


No description available

COMC-060203-30018: COMP: C_PDR - Pathfinder#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2018-07-30

  • Completed: 2018-07-31


No description available

COMC-060200-20025: Engineering Facility Database Functional#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2018-08-06

  • Completed: 2018-11-04


No description available

COMC-0620-0640: Coating Chamber Pre-Ship Acceptance#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2018-08-13

  • Completed: 2018-08-14


No description available

COMC-060200-20020: Summit Control Room Available#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2018-08-20

  • Completed: 2018-10-01


No description available

COMC-0620-2070: Base Infrastructure Pre-Ship Acceptance#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2018-09-26

  • Completed: 2018-04-11


No description available

SIM-M1: UW Sims FY18 Year End#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2018-09-28

  • Completed: 2018-10-01


No description available

COMC-06020201-2200: MIE: PSR ComCam deliverables#

  • Level: Undefined

  • Due: 2018-10-01

  • Completed: 2019-05-31


No description available

COMC-060200-20710: OCS Available on Summit#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2018-10-12

  • Completed: 2019-11-09


No description available

COMC-060200-20510: ComCam Dewar Ready for AI&T in Tucson#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2018-10-17

  • Completed: 2019-06-30


No description available

COMC-060203-30028: COMP: C_FDR - Pathfinder#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2018-11-07

  • Completed: 2018-10-26


No description available

COMC-0620-4000: Corner Rafts Pre-Ship Acceptance#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2018-11-20

  • Completed: 2019-07-31


No description available

COMC-0620-4300: Cryostat+FPA Pre-Integration Acceptance#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2018-11-20

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-060200-20520: Base Facility Data Center Building + Utilities Ready#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2018-11-23

  • Completed: 2020-12-31


No description available

COMC-0620-2040: Base Facility Inspection Complete#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2018-11-23

  • Completed: 2018-11-05


No description available

COMC-060200-20100: Camera Facility Fiber Optic Lines Ready#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2018-11-28

  • Completed: 2021-10-29


No description available

COMC-060202-50200: COMP: C_PDR - Transport Container#

  • Level: Undefined

  • Due: 2018-12-17

  • Completed: 2019-03-07


No description available

COMC-0620-4700: Full Filter Complement Acceptance#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2019-01-09

  • Completed: 2022-01-31


No description available

COMC-0620-3200: Filter Mechanism Pre-Ship Acceptance#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2019-01-31

  • Completed: 2019-09-30


No description available

SUMMIT-2992: AVAIL: Refrigeration Pathfinder to ship#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2019-02-19

  • Completed: 2020-01-31


No description available

COMC-0620-3600: L3 Pre-Ship Acceptance#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2019-03-22

  • Completed: 2019-10-18


No description available

COMC-0620-4600: L1L2 Pre-Ship Acceptance#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2019-03-22

  • Completed: 2019-09-16


No description available

COMC-0620-0540: TS M1M3 Pre-Ship Acceptance#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2019-04-05

  • Completed: 2019-04-03


No description available

COMC-060200-20505: ComCam Dewar & Imaging System Ready for AI&T at Slac#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2019-04-09

  • Completed: 2019-05-31


No description available

COMC-060200-20400: Camera Staging Area Utilities Ready#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2019-05-01

  • Completed: 2019-05-01


No description available

COMC-060200-20200: Camera Facility Refrigeration Lines Ready#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2019-05-07

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-060200-20050: Summit Facility Camera Utility Room Ready#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2019-05-08

  • Completed: 2019-05-08


No description available

COMC-060200-20500: Summit Facility Clean Room Ready#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2019-05-09

  • Completed: 2019-05-08


No description available

COMC-060200-20300: Summit Facility White Room ready#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2019-05-09

  • Completed: 2019-05-08


No description available

COMC-06020201-1000: MIE: NEED: Filter Changer in Tucson#

  • Level: Undefined

  • Due: 2019-06-01

  • Completed: 2019-06-01


No description available

SITCOM-93: EAS Version 3 (construction tracking) ready to start#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2019-06-28

  • Completion pending


No description available

SUMMIT-2994: NEED: MIE Chile (TMA) Compressors#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2019-07-09

  • Completed: 2020-01-31


No description available

COMC-0620-3900: Shutter Pre-Integration Acceptance#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2019-07-18

  • Completed: 2020-02-21


No description available

COMC-060200-20030: Dome Installation Substantial Completion#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2019-08-22

  • Completed: 2019-11-19


No description available

COMC-060202-50450: COMP: C_FDR - Transport Container#

  • Level: Undefined

  • Due: 2019-09-05

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-060202-21110: Camera Hexapod/Rotator Ready for Integration#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2019-09-27

  • Completed: 2019-07-31


No description available

SIM-M2: UW Team FY19 Year End#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2019-09-30

  • Completed: 2019-09-30


No description available

COMC-060200-20810: Camera Cart1 + Integrator1 + CCW ready for ComCam#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2019-10-28

  • Completed: 2019-11-22


No description available

COMC-06020200-1100: Commissioning Readiness Review Complete#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2019-11-07

  • Completion pending


No description available

SUMMIT-2993: NEED: Refrigeration Pathfinder on summit#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2019-11-26

  • Completed: 2020-09-30


No description available

SITCOM-101: EAS version 5 installed (main telescope)#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2020-01-02

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-060200-20780: Auxiliary Telescope + Spectrograph Ready#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2020-01-21

  • Completed: 2019-04-12


No description available

SITCOM-118: AuxTel ready for on-sky characterisation#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2020-03-25

  • Completion pending


No description available

SUMMIT-3008: AVAIL: White Room Refrigeration System Ready for LSSTCam#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2020-03-25

  • Completed: 2022-03-04


No description available

SUMMIT-3009: AVAIL: Pathfinder for ComCam#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2020-03-25

  • Completed: 2020-11-30


No description available

COMC-060202-50750: COMP: C_FDR - Transport Container#

  • Level: Undefined

  • Due: 2020-03-30

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-060200-10000: Start of On-Sky Data from Auxiliary Telescope#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2020-04-01

  • Completed: 2020-04-01


No description available

SUMMIT-2965: COMP: Camera Summit facility Ready for Use#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2020-04-01

  • Completed: 2020-04-01


No description available

COMC-0620-0020: DMS Base Center Approved for System I&T#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2020-05-13

  • Completed: 2020-02-28


No description available

COMC-0620-2080: Base Com. Cluster Test & Verficiation#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2020-05-14

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0620-2090: Com. Cluster R8.1 Pre-Commissioning Acceptance#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2020-05-14

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-060200-20750: ComCam arrives at summit#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2020-05-20

  • Completed: 2020-11-16


No description available

SITCOM-100: M1M3 cell + Surrogate ready for installation on the TMA#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2020-06-01

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-89: ComCam + PathFinder installed on the cart Assembly at Level 3#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2020-06-24

  • Completed: 2021-08-31


No description available

NCSA-000: Start NCSA FY20 Services#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2020-07-30

  • Completed: 2020-07-30


No description available

SITCOM-88: Camera cart ready for ComCam#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2020-08-13

  • Completed: 2021-08-31


No description available

COMC-0620-2065: Base - Archive Network Functional 100 Gbps#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2020-12-29

  • Completion pending


No description available

SUMMIT-2990: COMP: Calibration Telescope Ready for Operations#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2021-02-04

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-91: Camera cart is fully assembled and tested#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2021-08-31

  • Completed: 2021-08-31


No description available

SUMMIT-3010: NEED: Access to TMA Refrigeration Lines#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2021-09-30

  • Completed: 2022-04-29


No description available

COMC-060200-20760: TCS w/WFS Available on Summit#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2021-10-29

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-90: ComCam + PF ready for on cart installation#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2021-12-30

  • Completed: 2021-12-30


No description available

SUMMIT-2955-500: Ready for ComCam - Refrigeration Tubing#

  • Level: Undefined

  • Due: 2022-02-07

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-95: Level 7th ready to receive the Camera cart Assembly#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2022-03-07

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-060200-20700: TMA Final Tests Start#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2022-03-08

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0620-0840: TMA Pre-Commissioning Acceptance#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2022-03-08

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-117: EAS fully integrated#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2022-03-31

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-98: T&S Milestone: TMA Contract Complete#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2022-05-13

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-96: Computing Infrastructure in Place#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2022-05-31

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-112: Commissioning Compute Cluster fully configured and ready for general SIT-Com use#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2022-05-31

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-99: M1M3 cell + surrogate installed and verified on the TMA#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2022-06-24

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-97: M1M3 cell+Surrogate Dynamic Testing on TMA done#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2022-07-12

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-94: Level 3 System Spread integrations activities done#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2022-07-20

  • Completion pending


No description available

SUMMIT-2983: COMP: ComCam re-Verification Complete#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2022-07-20

  • Completed: 2020-11-15


No description available

SUMMIT-2975: LSSTCam Pre-Ship Acceptance#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2022-07-27

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-060200-20790: DELETE ComCam Ready to Start Early System AI&T#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2022-07-27

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0620-6300: Camera Pre-Ship Acceptance#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2022-07-27

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-103: M2 fit check successful#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2022-08-09

  • Completion pending


No description available

SUMMIT-2976: LSSTCam Received @ Summit#

  • Level: 2

  • Due: 2022-08-19

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0620-6500: Camera Received @ Summit#

  • Level: 2

  • Due: 2022-08-19

  • Completion pending


No description available

SUMMIT-3055: COMP: L1/L2 recevied at summit#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2022-08-19

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-104: M2 Glass installed on Cell#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2022-08-23

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-92: Camera support asmy w/ComCam+PF+Int#1+CCW Installed on Telescope#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2022-09-14

  • Completion pending


No description available

SUMMIT-3013: NEED: Pathfinder in ComCam on TMA#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2022-09-14

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-105: ComCam + PF re-Installed on TMA#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2022-09-28

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-106: Initial integrated tests on TMA complete#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2022-10-05

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-102: TMA safe for transition to M1M3 glass mirror#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2022-10-05

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-060200-20770: Global Interlock System Ready#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2022-11-17

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-108: Level-3 is ready for the M1M3 surrogate to glass transition#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2022-12-09

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-109: M1M3 Mirror Coating completed#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2022-12-30

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-060200-10100: DELETE Start of On-Sky & Calibration Data with ComCam#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-01-03

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0620-2240: Base-Archive Network Full BW (100 Gbps)#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2023-01-03

  • Completion pending


No description available

SUMMIT-3023: COMP: TMA Refrigeration Tests Complete#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2023-01-05

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-06020200-0800: Start Commissioning Readiness Review Preparations#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-01-10

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-111: In-Dome Calibration Hardware Ready for On-Sky Operations#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-01-20

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-110: M1M3 installed on the TMA#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-02-17

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0620-0940: Mirror Integration Complete#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2023-02-17

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0620-1100: Telescope Approved for System I&T#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2023-02-21

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-120: Calibration Pipeline fully implemented#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-02-21

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-114: All Data Management 1a Priority Requirements Functionally Demonstrated#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-02-21

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-060200-20920: TMA Ready to Start Early System AI&T#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-03-03

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-116: Initial Optical testing on TMA complete#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-05-09

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-060200-20930: Camera Ready for Full System AI&T#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-05-10

  • Completion pending


No description available

SUMMIT-3056: COMP: Camera Reverification Complete#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2023-05-10

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-125: LSSTCam reverification complete#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-05-10

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0642-9999: COMP: DMS- Integration Complete#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-05-23

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-060200-20960: DMS Ready for Full system AI&T#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-06-06

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-127: M2 coating decision#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-06-06

  • Completion pending


No description available

SUMMIT-3047: DELETE - COMP: Engineering Tests w/ComCam Complete#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2023-06-06

  • Completion pending


No description available

SUMMIT-3041: DELETE - COMP: ComCam Ready for Bulk Data Production#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2023-06-06

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-115: DELETE - SIT-Com activities with ComCam Complete#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-06-06

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-060200-20970: Ready to Start Full System AI&T#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-06-07

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-060200-20965: Early System AI&T Complete#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-06-27

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-123: LSSTCam Installed on TMA#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-07-27

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-XXX: Camera Ready for Engineering Punchlist Resolution#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-08-24

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-122: LSSTCam Ready for On Sky#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-08-24

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-119: Ops rehearsal for data release processing #3#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-09-07

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0620-9000: Archive Center Ready for System I&T at SLAC#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2023-09-07

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-121: System First Light with LSSTCam#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-09-07

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-060204-1000: Operational lookup tables for AOS complete#

  • Level: Undefined

  • Due: 2023-09-29

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-126: Engineering tests with LSSTCam complete#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-10-13

  • Completion pending


No description available

SUMMIT-3082: COMP: LSSTCam-Tel Integration Complete#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2023-10-16

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-060200-10210: Start of LSSTCam re-Verification#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2023-11-07

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0653-1000: COMP: Science Validation 1 Data Release Complete#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2024-01-11

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0654-1000: COMP: Calibration Products Production Verified#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2024-01-11

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0654-1070: COMP: Data Release Production Verified#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2024-01-11

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-0654-0430: COMP: Science Validation Surveys Complete#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2024-01-11

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-129: Science Verification Complete#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2024-01-18

  • Completion pending


No description available

SITCOM-130: Operation Readiness Review Complete#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2024-01-18

  • Completion pending


No description available

New1135: LSSTCam Cold#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2024-04-25

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-060200-10300: Start of On-Sky & Calibration Data with LSSTCam#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2024-05-03

  • Completion pending


No description available

New1110: Full focal plane readout complete#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2024-05-20

  • Completion pending


No description available

New1165: Telescope Aligned#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2024-06-10

  • Completion pending


No description available

COMC-060200-10500: Start of Science Verification Science Validations#

  • Level: 4

  • Due: 2024-09-17

  • Completion pending


No description available

SUMMIT-3077: COMP: LSSTCam Ready for Bulk Data Production#

  • Level: 3

  • Due: 2024-09-17

  • Completion pending


No description available
